Note: When programs are unavailable at scheduled air times, Robotic DJ Default is on the job with music.
Monday through Thursday 12:00 PM, US Central: Community interest, politics, discussion.
All day, all night, unless otherwise specified: Robo DJ Default - Heavy on music from local artists and friends of local artists. More always being added. Show contributors get to nominate 3-5 songs to go into the Big Random Rotation Ocean. Only two rules:
1. No Freebird, Stairway to Heaven, etc. If classic rock or anyone with a popular track record, make it a deep cut. Something unexpected that you personally champion. Any genre.
2. Make at least one song from a performer(s) local to your area.
Monday 12:00 PM US Central: The Valley Labor Report - Labor and workers' issues in and around the Tennessee Valley.
Tuesday 12:00 PM US Central: Welcome to Huntsville - (ON HAITUS) The Eternal Boomtown's housing issues discussed.
Wednesday 12:00 PM US Central: Huntsville Progressive - Hosted by Joy St. John Johnson.
Thursday 12:00 PM US Central: Lily Flagg's Signal - A Huntsville History Podcast.
First and third Friday of month 12:00 PM US Central: MadCo Green Party - Political discussion.
Friday 7:30 PM US Central: House Call. House shows, recorded on location from porches, backyards, undisclosed locations. Off and on as we get to them.
Friday, 9:00 PM US Central: Tina's Records - Tina Leach and various co-conspirators break out their record collections.
Saturday 9:00 PM US Central: Cold Brew Got Me Like. Chris Crofton does Nashville, and the world. Mandatory.
Saturday 10:30 PM US Central: This Podcast Could Have Been an Email. A running anthology of programs contributed without context.
Sunday 9:00 PM US Central: Monkeyspeak Too. Spoken word and poetry recorded live from Huntsville, AL USA. (On irregular schedule during summer 2024.)
WARNING: This is only the beginning. More shows in the works, including spoken word, scripted comedy, djs just plain showing off, live music from local venues, and more. Got your own show idea? Let's hear it.